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    Wednesday, February 4, 2009

    What I'm really appreciating about this new lifestyle is the way that every time I start to feel like a complete slacker, I find something to do so that I don't feel that way.

    I slept too much yesterday. I was feeling sluggish and disgusted by that, when I had the thought that maybe it was time to write more of the castle story. I tend to forget that the sleep disorder was related to that. So I sat down and wrote. The story could use more polishing, but the whole thing is now down in black and white. I'm aware that I could fill in more detail but find myself deeply reluctant to do so. Which is fine with me. What I have done has been difficult enough.

    I spent some time looking into publication methods. I thought I wanted to go the traditional get an agent route, but maybe not. Maybe one of the hybrid methods would be good. Fortunately I don't feel the need to actually decide until the book has been written. I got started with the modern day chapters and realize that it's going to take some work to get my story organized into a clear presentation of my ideas.

    On another note, what a great super bowl game! I'm not really a sports fan. I don't follow anything, don't watch it on television... but this year I really wanted to watch the super bowl. Maybe because of the miracle of the Cardinals having made it that far. And you know, it was a good game. I couldn't help noticing that the Steelers are roughly 10% larger in physical size than the Cardinals. And even though they couldn't hold the lead, I thought it was very impressive that the Cardinals even took the lead. It was a good showing and they have nothing to be ashamed of. Okay, maybe the personal fouls were a little OTT, but whatever. Go Cards!

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