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    Sunday, February 8, 2009

    Sunday, February 8, 2009 - 2 am (or so)

    I love psychic musicians. True, that might sound like a sweeping generality, and maybe it is. However, I can't help noticing that almost all of the best relationships I have are with musically inclined people who are very far over on the intuitive side of things. Let's count.

    My musician. (I call him that even though really he doesn't belong to me at all.) The greatest gift I ever received while working in the soul-destroying life-sucking career field. At any rate, he's a musician. Plus! We have dreams that we both remember. I call them spirit dreams.

    My piano teacher. No, she isn't teaching me to play piano, that would be a losing proposition. She's a friend and she teaches piano to people who actually have some aptitude for the instrument. And yet! I met her in hypnotherapy class. She's extremely intuitive although she does not consider herself psychic, but she definitely belongs on this list.

    My friend the closet dancer. Forget it, she isn't dancing in your closet! She's from a very musical background, and although she doesn't play an instrument she has dance in her blood the way musicians have music in theirs. Most dancing works out better with music so I say she counts, and guess where we met. That's right! HypnoBirthing® class. She's at least as much of a whackadoo as I am. At Least.

    My legal eagle friend. We met in a way that had nothing to do with hypnotherapy. At a spiritual gathering, in fact. And she plays an instrument. And she's very intuitive indeed. Not to mention her very strong focus on healing work.

    So I think the odds are very good that what I need in a relationship is a psychic musician! Glad I finally got that sorted out!

    Perhaps I should consider calling it a night. What a day, though - I participated in a wellness fair by providing Reiki treatments on a donation basis, and I went straight from there to birthday party where I was the tarot reader. I thought the band was great, but unfortunately what I was doing forced me to tune a lot of it out. It takes a little while to wind down after a full day - but I have a little four-footed friend stomping all over me and insisting that it's time for bed. He's usually right, so off we go!

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