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    Monday, November 17, 2008


    I have the most amazing friends.

    That's really what a lot of things boil down to lately - the fabulous support and assistance I get from friends. I get amazing support from family, of course, but today I'm thinking about friends.

    I have friends who let me try new methods on them ( we call it "tinkering with your head"). I have friends who let me benefit by practicing their methods on me. I have friends in the hypno/reiki/tarot business who share what they know about the market even though technically we're competitors. I have friends who share their business experience and ideas even though they're not in the hypno/reiki/tarot business. Long time friends leave comments in a guest book, or buy the CD, or simply send an email to tell me to go for it. All of them are along for the ride and it is truly awesome.

    I'm learning lately that along with these friends, I also have friends in the industry I decided to leave. They may not understand the direction I've chosen, but they support it. Or they think that perhaps the burnout will wear off and I'll return. Two of them have given my information to recruiters - keeping me connected... letting me know that despite the worst case of explosive job burnout ever, despite my inability to retain my cool under massive amounts of pressure, despite any insanity and chaos they may have witnessed from afar or up close, they still think well of my abilities. That means a lot to me.

    I am simply not strong enough for that career. Not physically or emotionally. There are many things that I enjoyed about it, and I was very good at most of it, but I really am not quite suited to it. In my own most self-critical moments of darkness I see this career change as failure. But my friends let me know that they don't see it that way. Independently and severally they provide me with a more balanced view of myself than I would have without them. I think that's the whole point of friendship, don't you?

    So, friends of mine, thank you more than I can say for everything you are.

    1 comment:

    Elisabeth said...

    oh, interesting, the underlined hyperlink is for comments, the envelope with the arrow sends an email.