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    Sunday, July 22, 2012

    Soul Groups

    Lately I have been thinking about the nature of soul groups.  My short story book talks about my own group, and that has of course been the extent of my own knowledge.  Recently I was in contact with someone who has a very different type of soul group to talk about.  And there are books.  Every group seems a little different, and yet we are all groups.

    My group has been through, we believe, many lifetimes together.  We have a definite structure, we each have a role to fill.  But in this lifetime we are not organized as we have been in other lives.  Nevertheless, we have a shared mission of healing.  We heal as individuals and we also heal as a group.  We do this by learning how to ground the new vibration.

    There seems to be an interesting balance to be achieved between the individual and the group.  I, for one, notice when the support from other group members is withdrawn from my own path.  Regardless of whether I feel the path is that of our group, there comes always a point at which the other members decline to participate

    What of other groups? Do they experience the same fluctuation? I suppose that they do.  Some deep inner knowing tells me that other groups fare as we fare.  Bring in the vibration, ground it in living it, support and don't support each other.

    A group, loosely.

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