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    Saturday, June 9, 2012

    The Fast Lane

    Wow, life sure started moving quickly! The Nook version of the book is out, and I'm on the last round of proofs for the paper copy. I think the paper copy will have to be too expensive, just to cover printing costs, but still it's good to have it out there.  And I'm working on the second book.  whee!

    My idea is to update this blog weekly - the only possible way to keep it up and keep my day job.  But I neglected to post last weekend in favor of upgrading my web site.  The host I use is hostbaby (because I started with the CD, so music made sense), and they just updated their site builder.  There are some things I'm not thrilled with about how the new site works, but I do like the new look!

    I'll be doing an interview on an radio show soon as well.  The focus of the show is building your self-esteem and recognizing the power within you, and I say that sometimes self-esteem issues have roots in past lives.  Truly, the power lies within.  Yale, the host, is a coworker who read a proof copy of the book and liked it well enough to agree to interview me.  I am very excited about this!

    The prednisone experience sent me to see my nutritionist at the beginning of the week (which I was planning to do anyway but not getting around to in a timely manner).  He's amazing, and I already feel much better.  So I'm back on track with the physical healing part of my life.  Part of grounding the new vibration, bringing in the light, is getting the spiritual and mental in balance with the physical.  At least that's how it is for me.

    So there's my week!

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