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    Saturday, January 31, 2009

    It's amazing the way gratitude and loving one's life vanish when a cold arrives on the scene. I've been fighting it off for over a week, I thought successfully, but it appears that I'm succumbing after all dagnabbit. Well it won't be bad and it won't last. So there.

    Today's horoscope says to let someone know how I feel before it's too late, because I've been sending mixed messages and the other person doesn't know how important they really are. Huh. I can't really imagine that... and if I could imagine it, I have no idea who it would be that I've been confusing so. So much for today's horoscope! I think I'll take the opportunity to learn how to read tea leaves instead.

    I sent out feelers for a super bowl party. Everybody knows I don't care for football and don't have a television, but for some odd reason this year I want to watch. Maybe because of the miracle that makes the Cardinals one of the teams. Maybe because I'm finally over having football rammed down my throat in stereo all those years ago. Whatever the reason, I'd like to watch this year, surely there is a party I can crash.

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